Salix fragilis
Crack Willow Tree
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Common Name: Crack Willow
Latin Name: Salix fragilis
Soil: Any deep, moist but well-drained soil
Position: Full sun
Flowering period/colour: April to May/Male catkins are densely flowered and uniformly yellow
Hardiness: Fully hardy
Eventual height/spread: 15m/10m
Special features: Leaves are long and narrow with small teeth along their edges.
Salix fragilis is a robust tree that grows to between 10 and 15 m with a short, thick trunk and well spread branches which form a broad, rounded crown. The bark is grey and deeply fissured and the twigs mature to become rather lustrous. They are olive-brown and brittle at the point of attachment to the branch. They break off with a crack, hence the name.