Buxus sempervirens
Common Box Plant
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Common Name: Common Box Plant
Latin Name: Buxus sempervirens
Soil: Any
Position: Prefer partial shade but will tolerate full sun
Hardiness: Fully hardy
Flowering Period: Insignificant, grown for foliage
Eventual Height/Spread: 5m x 5m (But can be kept pruned to any height)
Special features: Small, dark green, glossy leaves throughout the year. Easily shaped and pruned.
Buxus sempivirens is a slow-growing evergreen shrub with tiny, dark green and glossy leaves. It is most commonly used as hedging due to hardiness and growing habit. If left un-pruned it will eventually form a small tree. It is very often trimmed into shapes such as pyramids and spirals. Common box is a perfect hedge due to its ruggedness and the ability to keep it at any size easily but it can also make a nice standalone bushy tree.