Tilia euchlora
Caucasian Lime Tree
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Common Name: Caucasian Lime Tree
Latin Name: Tilia x euchlora
Soil: Any moist but well drained
Position: Full sun or partial shade
Hardiness: Hardy
Flowering period: Late summer
Flowering colour: Creamy green
Eventual height/spread after 20 years: 15m/15m
The Tilia x euchlora is a majestic, deciduous tree which grows to have a rounded, spreading shape. The heart- shaped leaves are broadly tootled and glossy green in colour. In late summer, clusters of scented flowers appear; these are later followed by green fruit. This tree grows to be quite large so do not plant it in a small – medium sized garden. The ‘Caucasian Lime’ makes an ideal avenue tree or a strong specimen tree for a larger garden.