Robinia pseudoacacia
Black Locust Tree
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Common Name: Black Locust Tree or False acacia
Latin Name: Robinia pseudoacacia
Soil: Fertile moist, well drained soils
Position: Full sun, tolerant of drought and pollution
Flowering period/colour: May and June/Pea-like, fragrant white flowers
Hardiness: Fully hardy
Height/spread in 20 years: 9m/5m
Special features: Large, majestic tree with fragrant flowers.
Robinia pseudoacacia, a native only to North America, is an adaptable and tough tree which is tolerant of both drought and atmospheric pollution. Spiny shoots are covered by lush, pale green foliage which turns to a good yellow colour in autumn. Once mature, the bark becomes very rugged and deeply fissured. Fragrant, white pea-like flowers are produced in late spring. This tree is the perfect choice for large gardens.