Pyracantha Saphyr Orange Cadange
Firethorn Sapyhr Orange
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Common Name: Firethorn Sapyhr Orange
Latin Name: Pyracantha Saphyr Orange ‘Cadange’
Soil: Moderately fertile, well-drained
Position: Full sun or partial shade
Flowering period/colour: May/White
Hardiness: Fully hardy
Eventual height/spread: 2.5/ 2.5m
Special features: Delicate white flowers followed by glossy orange berries
The Saphyr Orange is a bold and hardy shrub that features glossy green leaves, which are held on spiny branches. In late spring, a profusion of single white flowers hang in clusters: the pretty are later followed by bright orange berries, which appear in autumn and last until winter. This firethorn is great for attracting wildlife to your garden. The ‘Saphyr Orange’ is a compact shrub it is perfect for a planting in a mixed border, bed or next to a sunny wall.