Prunus Jacqueline
Flowering Cherry Tree
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Common Name: Flowering Cherry
Latin Name: Prunus ‘Jacqueline’
Soil: Tolerates most soil types
Position: Full sun
Flowering period/colour: April/ pink
Hardiness: Fully hardy
Height/spread in 20 years: 4m/4m
Special features: A dramatic show of autumn leaf colour.
This flowering cherry is a beautiful tree with so much to offer. In spring, usually in early April, an abundance of single, deep pink flowers stud the branches and cover the tree in a cloud of pink. The spring flowers are soon followed by the bronzed foliage and the leaves put on a spectacular show in autumn when they turn to fiery shades of orange and red. This is one of the best flowering cherry trees for autumn colour and we love it as a garden specimen, or planted in a trio if you have the space.