Prunus Frilly Frock
Flowering Cherry Tree
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Common Name: Flowering Cherry Tree
Latin Name: Prunus incisa ‘Frilly Frock’
Soil: Tolerates most soil types
Position: Full sun
Flowering period/colour: March/ Pink-white flowers
Hardiness: Fully hardy
Height/spread in 10 years: 3.5m/1.5m
Special features: Early spring flowers and variegated aytymn leaves.
The Frilly Frock puts on a delightful floral display in early spring when its weeping branches are smothered in pretty pink-white flowers. As the flowers disappear, variegated green and cream leaves shoot through and these hold their variegation over summer too: a great choice for foliage interest. This compact flowering cherry tree does not disappoint in autumn either: the variegated leaves burn with blistering shades of red and orange before falling. The elegant branches of the Frilly Frock hang down and often touch the ground. This is the perfect choice for planting in a small garden as it offers so much interest, but takes up so little space.