Populus nigra Italica
Lombardy Poplar
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Common Name: Lombardy Poplar
Latin Name: Populus nigra 'Italica'
Soil: Any soil type
Position: Full sun
Flowering period/colour: Spring/ Yellow catkins
Hardiness: Fully hardy
Eventual height/spread: 25m/5m
Special features: A tall and narrow tree which is great for architectural planting.
The 'Italica' is a tall and mighty tree that grows to have a lovely fastigate form which makes it perfect for structural planting. The leaves are almost diamond shaped with slightly serrated edges and they are a healthy mid-green colour. You can plant this poplar in a variety of conditions and it will still thrive, including waterlogged sites and windy sites. This is a fast-growing variety that is great for use as a windbreak in a large garden.