Picea glauca Rainbow's End
Alberta Spruce
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Common Name: Rainbow's End Alberta Spruce
Latin Name: Picea glauca 'Rainbow's End'
Soil: Prefers rich moist soil. Acid or neutral.
Position: Full sun.
Flowering period/colour: Non-flowering
Hardiness: Fully hardy (to below -20°C).
Height and spread in 10 years: 1m x 0.6m
Special features: The First flush of growth appears light green in color, while the second flush is a pleasant yellow.
Picea glauca 'Rainbow's End' has a conical form. The first flush of growth from this spruce is a stunning light green color, while the second flush is a pleasant yellow giving the plant the appearance of a tiny Christmas tree decorated with lights. After 10 years of growth, a mature specimen will measure 1 m tall and 60 cm wide.