Parrotia Vanessa
Persian Ironwood Tree
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Common Name: Persian Ironwood
Latin Name: Parrotia persica Vanessa
Soil: Any fertile, moist but well drained soil
Position: Full sun or partial shade
Hardiness: Fully hardy
Flowering period: Winter
Flowering colour: Dark red
Height/spread after 20 years: 5m/3m
The ‘Vanessa’ variety of Persian Ironwood is a fantastic choice for a medium sized garden and it adds great interest in both autumn and winter. The leaves are green in spring and summer, but they truly come to life in autumn when they turn to shades of plum purple, deep crimson, burnt orange and golden yellow. This tree adds further interest in winter, usually in January, when the dark red flowers appear on bare branches. The bark also adds year round interest as it gradually peels and flakes, which creates a pleasing mottled effect.