Parrotia Bella
Persian Ironwood Tree
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Common Name: Persian Ironwood Bella
Latin Name: Parrotia persica 'Bella'
Soil: Any fertile, moist but well drained soil
Position: Full sun or partial shade
Hardiness: Fully hardy
Flowering period: February
Flowering colour: Red
Eventual height/spread after 20 years: 8m/6m
Special features: Pretty red flowers in February before the leaves appear
The Bella is a relatively new variety of ironwood, and it is set to be a very popular variety too. This tree features upright branches that hold widely serrated ovate leaves. The leaves are deep purple when young and then mature to a rich green colour, and as the new foliage shoots through over summer the contrasting fresh and mature foliage looks fantastic together. The leaves twist slightly which adds further interest and the tree will eventually form a large, spreading tree. When the tree is mature, the bark will begin to peel and flake which adds winter interest after leaf fall. This medium-large sized tree looks great when planted alongside its parent.