Magnolia Water Lily
Star Magnolia Tree
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Common Name: Star Magnolia
Latin Name: Magnolia 'Water Lily'
Soil: Any moist, well-drained soil
Position: Full sun or partial shade
Hardiness: Fully hardy
Flowering Period: March- April
Flowering Colour: White
Eventual Height/Spread: 3m/ 2.5m
Special features: Sweetly scented pure white flowers which open in spring
The 'Water Lily' magnolia produces an outstanding spring display of large, pure white flowers that carry a delightfully sweet scent and open just before the leaves emerge. The narrow leaves are an attractive mid-green colour and these compliment the delicate flowers beautifully. The 'Water Lilly' maintains a fairly compact habit, and it is therefore the perfect choice for adding beauty and fragrance to the smaller garden.