Acer Simon-Louis Freres
Sycamore Tree
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Common Name: Sycamore Simon-Louis Freres
Latin Name: Acer pseudoplatanus 'Simon-Louis Freres'
Soil: Fertile, moist, well-drained
Position: Full sun
Flowering period/colour: April to May/ Yellow-green.
Hardiness: Very hardy
Height and spread in 20 years: 6m/5m
Special features: An interesting sycamore which has young foliage that is pink.
Acer 'Simon-Louis Freres' is a handsome spreading variety of 'Sycamore'. This slow-growing Acer features beautiful young deep pink leaves in Spring which turn creamy-white and purple. The older foliage turns pale green with irregular white markings to create a pleasing effect. This tree makes a good park or lawn specimen.