Acer davidii
Snakebark Maple Tree
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Common Name: Snakebark Maple
Latin Name: Acer davidii
Soil: Fertile, moist, well-drained
Position: Full sun or partial shade
Hardiness: Fully hardy
Height/spread in 20 years: 15m x 10m
Special features: Striking bark which develops serpentine stripes
The Acer davidii is one of the best varieties of ‘snakebark’ maples; it features highly unique bark that starts out red then matures to green with fissured white stripes. Aside from the striking bark, the leaves are also of good interest as they are large leaves that emerge mid-green and turn to lively shades of orange and pink in autumn. Come spring, pretty yellow flowers appear and these are soon followed by clusters of winged seeds. This is a fantastic tree for adding colour to your garden and it will make an ideal screening or specimen tree.