Juglans regia
Common Walnut Tree
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Common Name: Common Walnut
Latin Name: Juglans regia
Soil: Moderately fertile, well-drained
Position: Full sun
Flowering period/colour: May to June/Greenish yellow male catkins and inconspicuous female flowers.
Hardiness: Fully hardy
Eventual height/spread: 30m/15m
Fruit size/colour: The fruits are oval and 4-5 centimetres across. The outer slightly soft coat, which is called a husk or shuck, is shiny and green at first; it changes to dark brown when it is ripe. Inside this is one seed, the walnut, which has a white kernel when it is fresh.
A fine, deciduous tree with large pinnate leaves that give off an acrid aroma when crushed. In late spring and early summer, inconspicuous flowers are produced which are followed in autumn by one of the most valuable nuts grown in Britain, walnuts. A good specimen tree for a large garden or a park.