Tilia cordata Greenspire
Small Leaved Lime Tree
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Common Name: Small Leaved Lime Tree
Latin Name: Tilia cordata 'Greenspire'
Soil: Moist but well-drained soil
Position: Full sun or partial shade
Flowering period/colour: June/ivory.
Hardiness: Fully hardy
Eventual height/spread: 12m/ 6m
Special features: A hardy tree that supports most soil types, locations and conditions.
The 'Greenspire' is smaller than the classic Tillia cordata; the 'Greenspire' boasts more upright branches and a narrower crown, which makes is a better choice than other Tilias for a medium-sized garden. The leaves are of the classic heart-shape and they are a rich green on top, with paler undersides. The lightly-fragrant, ivory coloured flowers appear in June and these are popular with bees. This is a highly-tolerant tree and it well-suited to most soil types, locations and conditions. A great choice for urban sites and it is also an ideal avenue tree.