Hebe Pagei
Shrubby Veronica
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Common Name: Shrubby Veronica
Latin Name: Hebe pinguifolia 'Pagei'
Soil: poor or moderately fertile, moist, well drained neutral to slightly alkaline soil
Position: Full sun or partial shade
Flowering period/colour: May to June/White flowers
Hardiness: Fully hardy
Eventual height/spread: 0.3m x 0.9m
Special features: A spreading hebe with light, blue-grey leaves.
Masses of pure-white flowers on purple stems in late spring and early summer and fleshy, blue-green leaves. This neat, semi-prostrate evergreen shrub is an attractive groundcover plant for the front of a border in sun or part-shade and also looks good among silver-leaved plants. It is salt and pollution tolerant and therefore suitable for city or coastal gardens.