Petrorhagia, commonly known as Tunica or Coat Flower, captivates with its delicate, airy blooms and compact growth habit, making it an ideal choice for rock gardens, alpine gardens, and wildflower meadows seeking a touch of understated elegance.
Native to the Mediterranean region, Petrorhagia plants thrive in well-drained soil and sunny locations, forming low-growing mounds of slender, grassy foliage. From late spring to early fall, these mounds are adorned with a profusion of small, pink or purple flowers that resemble miniature carnations, creating a charming and delicate display.
The name "Tunica" refers to the flower's calyx, which resembles a delicate tunic or sheath surrounding the petals. These blooms, though small, are produced in abundance, creating a cloud of colour that attracts pollinators and adds a touch of whimsy to the garden.
Petrorhagia plants are relatively low-maintenance, preferring well-drained soil and full sun to partial shade. Their drought tolerance and ability to withstand heat make them a resilient and rewarding choice for gardeners seeking a touch of Mediterranean charm in their landscapes.
Whether you're seeking a plant to soften the edges of a rock garden, create a carpet of delicate blooms, or simply add a touch of understated elegance to your garden, Petrorhagia - Tunica - offers a rewarding and visually appealing option.